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Bruce Castle Museum

Lordship Lane

N17 8NU

Pop along to Bruce Castle Museum and take part in the Reminiscence Café @ The Castle. We want to hear your memories about food, recipes and shopping on the High Road to help the designs for a story chair for the Haringey Feast

Stories and memories will inspire Stroud Green artist and sculptor Al Johnson create content for her new community-led work for a story chair .

What we eat has changed so much over the years and how and where we bought and stored our food. The High Road’s larger grocery stores gave way to supermarkets. Thriving corner shops –dairies, grocers, butchers and bakers – gradually closed. 

Today we have a greater range of foodstuffs to choose from, available in the new independent food stores on the High Road and the thriving Holcombe Market. Our tastes changed and food choices became more adventurous. What food did you particularly enjoy in childhood. Spam? Upside Down cake? Mangoes, pasta varieties, red snapper and yams? 

Come along to the Museum, share your memories of food-shopping, recipes and enjoy some photographs over a cup of tea.

No booking, just turn up at 2pm.

For queries, please email museum.services@haringey.gov.uk