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Hornsey Library

1st Floor Promenade Gallery (seating area)

Haringey Park

N8 9JA

Ever wanted to try a bit of crochet? Know how to make a mosaic? Get crafty with decoupage?

Come and celebrate our Third Age Crafters in Haringey at Hornsey Library, with our taster crafting and making of community story chairs!

Crafters from Crouch End U3A will be there showing how they do it, crafting together with you, enjoying time making and sharing their knowledge and skills of these beautiful crafts.

A chance to have a go and find out how you too can take part in U3A classes afterwards.

Be inspired, join in and add a craft to the chair! 

Once designed, the chairs will be used by the community at the Haringey Feast at Alexandra Palace in November. After the event, the chairs will be used by the community for storytelling in Hornsey Library.

No need to book, just turn up!