BCM Storytelling Chair By North London Community House

About the Creation
For the Haringey Feast, artists Gulnihal Dursun and Belgin Ozkursun co-created one storytelling chair with isitors and communities of North London Community House and another inspired by their own artistic practice.
For the community storytelling chair, utilising the skills and knowledge of the women of NLCH who meet weekly, the artists asked participants to choose items that meant something to them or bring memories or words that capture what it is to be Turkish or Kurdish and living in Haringey today.
The workshop saw talking, chatting and sharing of skills as well as memories about shops, businesses and activities which reflected local Turkish and Kurdish culture in Haringey. Whilst making the chairs the famous Turkish Kurdish characters Hacivat and Karagoz – from a historical shadow play in Turkish and Kurdish culture - were used for inspiration. Also included on the chair was a poem by community activist, Taylan Sahbaz. The poem describes the difficulties experiences by Turkish and Kurdish migrant communities in London.
About the Artists
Belgin Ozkursun is painter, miniature artist and porcelain restaurateur. Gul Nihal Dursun is an upcycling idealist and artist.
Both creatives are part of - and work closely with - North London Community House (NLCH). They are inspired by the artwork and traditional crafts from local Turkish and Kurdish communities that allow them to reflect on and connect with families and friends back in their homeland.

About the Community
A workshop was held at North London Community House to collect memories or words that capture what it is to be Turkish or Kurdish and living in Haringey today - multi-media artworks were produced during these workshops to adorn a community storytelling chair.
North London Community House is based in Tottenham. It is a registered charity which runs events and activities for members of the Turkish and Kurdish community with a view to facilitate their settlement and integration into mainstream of life in UK. NLCH particularly focuses on services for young people and women within an educational framework.