BCM Storytelling Chair by N15 Archive

About the Creation
A 1940s chair was transformed by workshop attendees influenced by Althea’s colourful corner of the Caribbean in Tottenham. The storytelling chair was then used at the Haringey Feast.
Beautiful flowers, plants and bold colours were Althea’s own inspiration for her fabrics, drawing on her special garden at 142 West Green Road, Tottenham.
Just like Althea, participants worked with N15 Archive looking to nature and colour, with a range of taster crafts, making delightful paper flowers, learning decoupage using a patchwork of bold tints and weaving fabrics.
About the Artist
The production of this storytelling chair was led by Bruce Castle Museum & Archive.
The chair was inspired by the pioneering art of world-renowned textile designer Althea McNish (1924-2020) of Tottenham.

About the Community
Visitors of all ages enjoyed a drop-in workshop at Bruce Castle Museum and Archive to take part in a range of taster crafts.