BCM Storytelling Chair by Doodlegänger

About the Creation
Artist Doodleganger made 2 stunning chairs for the Haringey Feast, one using her own artistic talents and the other made in collaboration with local people at Lordship Hub, Tottenham. Both chairs were inspired by the artist's admiration for Luke Howard, the Father of Meteorology who lived in Tottenham; his ground-breaking research was initiated by the simple joy of cloud gazing.
The illustrations and doodles on both storytelling chairs celebrate the joy of taking time to stop running for a while, and to look at beautiful simple things around – and up – and imagine them in the clouds and how they make us feel.
About the Artist
Living in Haringey, Indonesian visual designer Dellana Arievta has been running an independent illustrated-goods business. Making zines and random prints, she based her current preferences for her creative output about food, animals, 1950s music, films, personalities, and random ordinary objects.
She published a book in her home country entitled the same as her studio name; Doodlegänger.

About the Community
Doodleganger, with Bruce Castle Museum & Archive, ran an interactive workshop at Lordship Hub, which is a vibrant community centre and café at the heart of Lordship Rec, Tottenham’s largest park.
In 2022, Lordship Rec was designated the world's first Cloud Appreciation Park! It is also home to the Luke Howard weather station, which measures air temperature, atmospheric pressure, rainfall and humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and direction – and indicates the phases of the moon, as well as sunrise and sunset times.