Artwork by Cypher Billboards

About the Creation
Led by artist Ryan McClelland, Cypher BILLBOARD worked with two Haringey schools, Chestnuts Primary School and Riverside Primary school, to create a project for the Haringey Feast titled “A Toast to Haringey”.
Ryan produced a vibrant artwork consisting of graphic posters made by the schoolchildren. The artwork was displayed in the Foyer at Alexandra Palace for the Hairngey Feast, as well as being shown on the Cypher Billboard in Bounds Green.
The schools also contributed to a Sound Installation for the Haringey Feast, using laugher, the clinking of glasses, and loudly declaring what Haringey means to them!
About the Artist
Ryan McClelland is an Artist and Educator based in London, he holds an MA from the Royal College of Art and has exhibited internationally having work placed in private and museum collections in Europe and the US. He has led education projects in major galleries including Tate, Camden Arts Centre, Greenman Festival and Orleans House and Gallery.
Ryan currently curates Cypher BILLBOARD in Bounds Green, a public facing billboard that engages with the local community through a mix of community and education projects and invited Artist commissions.

About the Community
Students from Chestnuts Primary School and Riverside Primary school took part in creating the artwork and soundscape, “A Toast to Haringey”.